The team from Intoware enjoyed an out of this world experience this week, at the North’s biggest enterprise IT event – The Digital Transformation Expo in Manchester.
This year’s event was Star Wars themed, and saw the Intoware team mingling with Storm Troopers and Bounty Hunters from across the galaxy – as well as showcasing the ground breaking ways WorkfloPlus can help kick-start digtial transformation to industry peers and potential customers.

Keith Tilley, Chief Executive at Intoware, said: “The team had a great time at this year’s DTX show. It was a truly out-of-this-world experience, demonstrating the impressive capabilities of how our technology can help potential customers – as well as visitors from galaxies far, far away!”

DTX Manchester is an annual event which brings together IT leaders and buyers from the North of England and beyond.

The team will be back on the road in June at the NEC for the Smart Factory Expo. And, again in November when you can catch us at Advanced Engineering at the NEC.
For further information on DTX, visit