Intoware Awarded ISO27001 For Information Security

We're pleased to receive ISO27001 certification.
Intowre ISO Certification

Nottingham based Intoware, a leading provider of workflow automation solutions for utilities, oil, gas, and manufacturing industries, is pleased to announce that it has received ISO27001 certification. This certification is for information security management.

ISO27001 is an international information security standard. It outlines the key processes and approaches a business needs to manage information security risks. These include cyber-attacks and data breaches.

Information security management has long been a priority for Intoware. This is why it has sought and achieved ISO27001 certification. This standard encompasses its business operations including product delivery. It ensures the company’s risk management and information security systems are always of the highest standard.

As part of the assessment carried out by an independent auditor, Intoware had to meet rigorous criteria. It also had to demonstrate a systematic approach to mitigating information security risks. These risks affect both the company and its customer’s data.

Sean Hennelly, chief operations officer, Intoware, comments: “We are delighted to have been awarded the ISO27001 certification. As we operate in highly regulated industries such as utilities, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. We understand that our clients expect us to have a robust system for handling data compliance.

Sean Hennelly COO Intoware

“This meant we had thorough processes and policies already in place for the secure management of data so we were well placed to achieve ISO27001 in a rapid eight weeks, which is a great achievement for our team.

“But most importantly, it demonstrates our commitment to being a trusted partner. It gives our customers the confidence that we are working to the very highest standards required to mitigate data security risks.”

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