What does a typical day look like for Elenor Gordon, Intoware’s Marketing Manager?
Like most people at Intoware I don’t think I have a typical day. It tends to depend on what is going on at that moment. I can either be organising the preparations for our exhibition stands or physically setting the equipment up around the country, updating the Intoware website with the latest news, posting on our social channels, working with customers to put together case studies on their use of WorkfloPlus, or analysing data on campaigns and website visits. I really enjoy that no two days are the same. At the moment I’m putting together Intoware’s 2024 marketing plan so I’m spending a lot of time in spreadsheets, carrying out research and analysing data.
What is on your wish list for your next five years here?
To carry on telling the WorkfloPlus and Intoware story. All the different use cases are so varied and interesting that I want to keep showing the world what we do and how we can help. It would be great to see the company grow and expand so we can spread the message even further.
What kind of skills do you need to be effective in your role?
The ability to multitask. People generally see marketing as just generally being creative with pretty pictures and fancy words, but the marketing world today is very tech based.There’s always been a lot of analysis involved in making sure you’re saying the right thing to the right person as the right time, but now there are a lot of digital tools to work with to make sure that’s happening.
What do you like most about your job?
The variety and the product itself, plus Intoware as a whole. It’s a very supportive atmosphere where you’re trusted to do what you need to do. It’s great to be treated as part of a team rather than just an employee.
So, Elenor Gordon, what’s your most memorable facepalm moment?
We work remotely but occasionally we do have meetings in the office in Nottingham which is 30 miles away. I had a literal facepalm moment when I tried to switch my laptop one morning after an office visit and realised I’d left the power cable there. Plus, I’d just dropped my car at the garage so had no way of picking it up or going to any shops to buy a new one. It was a long day waiting for my Amazon delivery!
We have a tradition of having a joke of the week during our team catch up. In honour of this can you give us your favourite joke?
What did the cheese say when he looked in the mirror? Halloumi
What’s your favourite line from a film?
“I’m in a glass case of emotion.” Ron Burgundy – Anchorman
Finally, who would you like to highlight from the next issue’s “Meet The Team” segment?
It would be lovely to hear more from Keith, the man at the head of the Intoware team.
Connect with Elenor Gordon, Intoware’s Marketing Manager on LinkedIn.