We’ve Added 5 Remote Expert Solutions Into WorkfloPlus!

We've added more video calling options to our latest update!
WorkfloPlus Remote Expert Solution

There’s a number of common questions we get asked at Intoware. One of the most common is: “how do I ensure work processes are being carried out in the right way, with access to data outputs, reports, audits and progress updates? But also giving quick and easy access to calling up an expert if someone is stuck at a particular step?”

Well, we thought about that, and decided, ‘what if you could combine your remote expert solution with your digital workflows, inspections and processes?’ Then users can be in the middle of a work process. They can call up an expert over video, share their view, fix the issue together and revert back to their process. This allows them to continue what they were doing before making their support call.

So that’s what we did!

Except we also thought, why not open this up and add numerous remote expert solutions? Let our customers choose the one they work with.

Adding to one of the industries longest standing and class-leading solutions, Librestream’s Onsight Connect, we have now integrated Microsoft TeamsHPE MyRoomSimplyVideo and Blitzz. This enables these 5 remote expert services to run inside WorkfloPlus as your team carries out an inspection.

Now there is no need to open up or switch between apps or restart an inspection. It becomes a seamless, immediate and very simple process. It simply pauses the job and opens the remote expert solution you use. You then complete the call and return to the job exactly where you left it.

Valuable wearable devices are often used more for photos/videos or the occasional remote expert call. They are now being used for full work processes, including guided instructions and maintenance inspections. They also help with repairs and provide immediate access to a remote expert at any stage in their workflow.

This unique solution has opened up some great opportunities for businesses. It links inspections and processes to their remote expert teams. As a result, it streamlines and improves the process where field workers can call for support at exactly the step they need help during their work.

Sometimes the simplest solution can have the biggest impact. Bringing two complementary solutions, digital work instructions and remote expert services, to work in harmony improves the user experience. This collaboration has done just that!

We love this solution as we are all about simplicity driving value both in productivity terms and also staff satisfaction. Hope you like it too! Get in touch if you would like one of our team to take you through Remote Expert.

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