Customer success

Intoware Support Update

Our Knowledge base houses a wealth of WorkfloPlus videos and articles to help you on your digital transformation journey.

Our WorkfloPlus Knowledge Base provides access to a wealth of videos and articles and can be accessed via In the past year alone we have created and added over 30 new support videos!  We are continually updating knowledge to reflect the most recent enhancements to WorkfloPlus and will shortly be updating it again in preparation for the forthcoming WorkfloPlus{WEB}.

As part of our onboarding process, all new customers receive three in depth training sessions led by the Customer Experience Team.  These sessions take customers through the process of creating and building a workflow, running jobs, managing it in their dashboard, creating reports and setting up email and data integrations.  We can also make recommendations on how your existing paper-based processes can be digitised.  This in depth training combined with access to our Knowledge Base enables customers to make the most out of their digital experience with us.  

Trial customers also now have access to our newly released Self Directed Learning Plan.

Common Support Requests

Password Reset: If you cannot remember your password you can reset your password from the login page. Select 'forgot your password' and enter your email address. If your email address is registered you will receive an email containing a reset link. Further instructions here.

Downloading a Workflow: You can download workflows directly from the Dashboard by opening up the relevant workflow panel and clicking on the curly arrow.  This will bring up a list of all versions of your workflow.  Simply click on the version you wish to download and hit the download button in the top right hand side of the panel.  Once the workflow is downloaded you can then upload to the Editor to make any changes it’s as simple as that! We created a video on how to do this here.

Unable to view job: Check permissions on your workflow as it is possible to lock it down so that only certain users and groups can run jobs.  Also check your user permissions, if you do not have Execute Jobs permission then you will not be able to run jobs.  We have an article on this here.

For any support requests contact:


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